Kundali Bhagya actress Shraddha Arya shared a reel video on her social media as she celebrates Holi with her family for the first time after marriage. The actress could be seen in a gorgeous dull yellow embellished salwar suit teamed with mid-parted hairbun and no makeup. The actress could be seen enjoying to the core along with her husband Rahul Nagal.
Sharing the reel video, she wrote, “My First Holi poSt Marriage … It had to be Crazyyyy & Special!! And it went like … ?❤️?? #SoFun #ReelHoliParty #ReelsPeHoli #HappyHoli #HoliHai #ReelHoliChallenge #ReelsPeTV #IndianTVFiesta” in the caption.
For the unversed, Shraddha Arya tied the knot with Rahul Nagal last year November. It’s been stated that the actress opted for an arranged marriage, however, has dated Rahul for a year. Rahul Nagal is a navy commander. Earlier, Shraddha Arya also took a moment to praise the Navy in a video shared on her social media.