Mohsin Khan rose to even greater fame when he played the role of Kartik in TV show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Mohsin has a good sense of fashion and manages to grab attention with his style. He is certainly getting sexier with every passing day. He is in the best of shape and has no apprehensions about flaunting the same. From his style to his smile, everything about this man is drooling worthy. He can go make any girl go weak on their knees.

From being a qualified engineer to entering the industry as an assistant director with Koyelaanchal, to becoming one of the most successful names in the TV industry today, Mohsin has only proven that hard work and success go hand in hand. The actor worked in Nisha Aur Uske Cousins, Dreamgirl and Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata and has shown vast improvement, as far as his acting skills are concerned, which shows us how versatile he is as an actor.

Mohsin has a killer smile that can brighten up your day. He has one of the cutest smiles in the industry. When the actor comes out with a smile then it flatters all girls.

Check out his cute pictures here!!