Shraddha Arya, the Kundali Bhagya actress has now shared some adorable videos with her husband, as the gorgeous couple headed for a romantic date on the holidays. And we can’t stop loving them more. That’s that, here we have shared the videos down beneath, check out-

Sharing the video, she wrote, “When You’re on a Romantic Long Drive❤️ But Get Stuck in Massive Traffic”

And as the video starts, we could see Shraddha Arya’s gorgeous hands calling her husband, while she follows it with some hand gestures and then ends meeting with her husband’s hands making a love sign.

Here take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: OMG What! Shraddha Arya goes on long drive with chimpanzee, watch video

The actress also shared some candid moments on her Instagram stories, where we could spot her heading out for candid casual hangouts with her husband Rahul Nagal.

The actress also posed with a chimpanzee soft toy in the series, and compared it to her husband, calling them the ‘twins’.

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