Pandya Store actress Shiny Doshi is popular for her character of Dhara Pandya in the show. The show on Star Plus is going great guns with the wedding of Shiva about to happen. However, as always, there is a plan that Dhara is acting upon so that Shiva and Raavi are united. Dhara as we saw, has another problem wherein she has to change Chiku’s mindset as he is angry with both Dhara and Shweta. While this is what is happening in the show, we have Shiny Doshi taking some time off her busy shoot schedule, and getting to the best of her styling. She is seen in an ethnic masterpiece, a richly designed lehenga in skin colour.
Shiny looks extremely radiant and supreme in this style. Shiny talks about ethnic styling and reveals that in such traditional Indian attire, one exudes timeless beauty and pure joy.
You can read what she writes,
“A radiant vision in traditional Indian attire, she exudes timeless beauty and pure joy.”
Outfit by @desai6343
Shiny looks extremely gorgeous in this one!! She is this photogenic who looks amazing naturally. And it is top-class and richly deserving when Shiny is dressed to kill, especially in such Indian attires which are sensational.
You can check the pictures here.
Picture Courtesy: Instagram
Well, are you happy to see this style donned by Shiny Doshi?