The popular actors from the television industry, Shraddha Arya, Dheeraj Dhoopar, Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja were caught sharing some adorable selfie moments together on their social media. While Shraddha Arya and Dheeraj Dhoopar shot to fame with their work in Kundali Bhagya, Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja have led amazing work in Kumkum Bhagya.
Of late the stars shared some not to miss selfie moments on their Instagram stories, giving us straight away friendship goals.
Arjit Taneja and Sriti Jha
Arjit Taneja clicked the selfie as the two were out on a ride.
Dheeraj Dhoopar and Shraddha Arya
Shraddha Arya shared the selfie on her story captioning it ‘the crimepartner is back’