Rajveer Singh the lead of Qurbaan Hua, the Zee TV show got the opportunity of playing a guitar for real for a sequence in the show.

Rajveer who is passionate about playing guitar in real life simply loved this thought of carrying forward the same onscreen.

Says Rajveer, “I believe any instrument triggers an emotion in a strong and beautiful way. This fact stays irrespective of the space one is in, be it with friends or on the set. Music establishes a chord and makes one live the moment. It also enhances the performance to some extent I feel.”

The sequence in Qurbaan Hua was a candle-lit date sequence between Neel and Chahat. Neel will be seen playing a guitar and singing a song too.

On his passion of playing the guitar and the love for music on the whole, Rajveer comments, “I know some technicalities of playing the guitar. But I am not a professional to be very honest. Playing guitar is more of a hobby to me.I love music and the taste of choices varies with time. For quite some time I have been enjoying music by Nat King Cole & James Brown. I hold a special connect with music for I grew up listening to vintage classics under my father’s guidance. Having been an event organizer in the past I enjoy live drama & music performances. Music definitely holds a special place in my heart.”

The sequence will air tonight.