Rajveer Singh the talented and good-looking actor who is all set to enter the Zee TV show Qurbaan Hua as the new lead spent the happy ambience of being with his wife at home on her birthday.
Yesterday was Rajveer’s wife Anagha Tawde’s birthday and the actor had organized a small get-together for his family and friends.
Says Rajveer, “Birthdays are always special especially when the individual is closest to you. You celebrate the moment of having someone who is so special in your life. For me, this was more than a special day because it was Anagha’s first birthday after our marriage.”
We had a small get together with friends. We missed our family a lot for they are in the hometown and both of us are here. Also it wasn’t possible to travel due to Covid-19 crisis,” he says.
“We have always celebrated our birthday in a very simple way. I don’t remember us celebrating our birthday lavishly. Celebrations have always been a closed affair with a small group of friends and family. We had a great time overall. All I pray and hope for all is to be free from these challenging times soon.”
Best of luck, Rajveer to your new role!!