Surbhi Jyoti, the Qabool Hai actress has now taken it to her social media handle to share a perfect photodump series for Saturday, as she decided to treat her fans with her unseen gorgeous moments. That being said, starting from sharing a glimpse of her luxurious home to some overwhelmingly serene pool pictures, she shared it all.
While in the first one she dropped a casual moment from her luxurious minimalistic living room, in the second one we can spot the actress enjoying the serene sunset view as she takes a swim in the pool. The actress further shared some more stunning hot looks in the series, here take a look down beneath to check on her best ever moments-
Apart from Qabool Hain, the actress has also worked in the film Kya Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai and other music videos like Ghana Kasoota and more.