Shraddha Arya, popularly known for her role as Preeta Arora in the show Kundali Bhagya has now claimed that she’s been trapped in fraud by an interior designer. The designer reportedly broke into her house, stole the materials and others and conned Arya. The actress took it to her social media handle to call out the interior designer for the same, who apparently blocked her on social media.
Taking it to her social media handle, Shraddha Arya has shared, “The interior designer I thought I can trust has broken things in my house and run away with the fittings and other material after I had paid 95% of the amount that he himself quoted me. Can’t believe this happened to me while I was away.”
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She also spoke about the same in an interview with ETimes, saying, “I was looking for an interior designer online that’s when I found him. I hired him to do my house after I got married in November last year. He had promised to finish the work in four months but it took longer than that. The amount he quoted was in lakhs and I have already paid him around 95% of that. Now he has gone away with my money as well as all the material that I had bought for the house.”
She added that she was away with her husband Rahul Nagal, while this happened, saying, “I was on a short vacation in Vishakhapatnam with my husband and after I returned to Mumbai today, I went to the sets of Kundali Bhagya to shoot. My father went to my house to just check and that’s when he opened the house and realised that the interior guy has run away with all the electrical items and few other materials. I got home and couldn’t believe this had happened. I am heartbroken that the guy I trusted has done this. I tried calling him but he’s not responding and the pictures on his Instagram account have also been deleted.”