Shraddha Arya shared a fun video with her husband Rahul Nagal on her social media, where we could see her getting into a fight with her husband. The actress challenges Rahul to get into a fight, while Rahul makes her surrender already with a slight knock on her forehead.

The actress could be seen in a stunning pink embellished sequinned saree that she teamed with a matching blouse. The actress teamed the saree avatar with a wavy hairdo and minimal makeup, while Rahul Nagal could be seen in his homely avatar wearing a casual black tee along with pants.

Take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Shocking Video: Shraddha Arya caught in camera fighting with husband, fans stunned

On the work front, Shraddha Arya is currently working in the show Kundali Bhagya, where she is known for her role as Preeta Arora. She is starring alongside Dheeraj Dhoopar.