Shraddha Arya has recently hit the headlines after she got married to the beau of her life, Rahul Nagal, who is commander navy. The actress has resumed her work soon after marriage and has recently spoken about her husband and their love story, and how they intend to keep a long-distance relationship intact.
In an interview with TOI, talking about her sudden wedding, she said, “We decided to get married just last month. I had no idea I would tie the knot so soon. I was dating Commander Rahul Nagal for almost a year but we had not thought of marriage. I also believe in being discreet and not talking about my personal life, till something concrete is happening.”
Revealing how she met, she said, “We met a year ago through common friends and hit it off well. At that time, he was based in Mumbai but we used to meet each occasionally, because we both had hectic schedules. But we realised that this was more than friendship when he was later posted in another city. The long distance made us realise what we felt for each other. That’s when we decided to take our relationship to the next level.”
Speaking on who initiated the wedding, she said, “Rahul is a very mature and responsible person and so he spoke to his parents about me. Rahul’s father is a retired colonel. His parents, who are based in Delhi, met my parents and we both agreed to get married soon. It was a quick wedding because everything fell into place in a short period of time and there was no reason to wait. We got engaged on November 13 and then the wedding followed on November 16.”
Talking on that they intend to maintain their long-distance relationship, she said, “If given an opportunity, I would run to him and spend quality time with him. But I love the fact that for my husband, country comes first and he has to attend to his work. At the same time, he also understands my work commitments and respects that. So, till my show is on, I will take these short holidays to visit him and once the show is over, we will mutually decide how to take this forward because I would love to be with him.” She added, “Also, I feel every woman knows that when she marries a man, who is working for the country – like the armed forces or Indian Navy, he keeps getting posted at different places and there can be situations when you have to stay away from each other. I will always support him in his work,”
The actress when asked about her Honeymoon plans, she said, “My husband will need approvals and permission before we can plan a trip. We had both wanted to go to Europe but it doesn’t seem possible because there are restrictions imposed in many countries right now due to the pandemic.” as stated in the Indian Express.