The Naagin actress Surbhi Chandna takes it to her social media handle to share a super cute video with her coolest grandfather (dadu) ever. The duo danced off like pros to a popular trendy song of late, and fans couldn’t stop obsessing over their overloaded cuteness.
In the video, we could see the duo dancing to Gomi Gomi by Lefaa, where Chandna wore a ruffle flared peach midi dress with hoop earrings, no makeup and sleek hair, while her dadu looked super cool in olive green t-shirt with white jeans and black shades. We could see Chandna showing off her dance steps in the video with her dadu following her.
Sharing the video, she wrote, “Now going GHOOMI GHOOMI with dadu to celebrate father’s day post this Disastrous Dance Cp you are the Best Best Best Father @chandnacpc”
Here take a look-
View Instagram Post 1: So Cute: Surbhi Chandna celebrates Father’s Day with her dadu, fans go awed