Sumedh Mudgalkar, an actor and a dancer has left his mark in the industry with his debut show and ruling the hearts of over a million fans. He is certainly a talented actor and his dialogue delivery is supremely authentic. The star is now seen portraying the role of Lord Krishna on the show RadhaKrishn. He has luscious hair, light coloured eyes and captivating facial features. Teenage girls seem to have his pictures loaded in their gallery.
Mohsin Khan aka Kartik, a household name, needs no introduction. His remarkable acting in the serial in appreciated by all and he is a sensation among women. He is blessed with great looks, pale skin and piercing eyes. The star is seen flaunting his amazing sense of style onscreen in formals as well as off-screen in casuals. He truly is one darling telly actor.
It is a tough choice to make between these two talented actors and hence we leave it up to you to decide.