Pretty Palak Sindhwani, who plays the role of Sonu in the show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, is one of the most popular stars.

She is a very successful actor and is constantly working hard to achieve her goals. All of her hard work and dedication have brought her to this popularity.

Palak’s fans have loved and supported her for a very long time and have shown her immense love even now, at this stage of her success. Her love and passion have brought her really far in this journey of hers.

The actress is a style icon on the internet and has a huge fan following on Instagram, where her posts and pictures always attract a lot of attention from her fans.

Recently, she took to Instagram and shared a cryptic post about love. She captioned her pic: “I am letting love lead the way.”

We wonder if she is in love. What do you guys think?

Check her post here!

View Instagram Post 1: Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah: Palak Sindhwani aka Sonu in love?