The Kundali Bhagya actress Shraddha Arya is making it all sassy and spruced up with her latest fashion transformation reel on social media. Turning from desi nari to sassy babe, the actress transitioned from a heavily embellished lehenga to her gorgeous deep-neck pink midi dress.
What’s more, the actress got a saucy caption to share the reel on her gram too. Sharing the reel, Arya wrote, “Want you to make me feel like I’m the only Girl in the world ? ❤️” in the caption. Nonetheless, the actress left her all fans to go bananas as she dropped her alluring fashion moment in the pink dress, teaming it with bold makeup look, sleek hair and pearled jewellery.
A fan wrote, “Looking beautiful and at the same time ❤️?”
Another wrote, “Please post solo pictures in this pink outfit plssss!! ???”