The show revolves around the story of Preeta and her sister Srishti and their quest to find their mother Shashi. In the midst of this, two sons of the rich Luthra family, Karan- a cricketer and a ladies man with a huge ego and lots of charm and Rishabh- A kind-hearted yet cut-throat businessman soon become a part of Preeta’s life.
It had the largest weekday Hindi fiction launch across all GECs of the year 2017. It introduces a new set of characters in an all-new world
The show has won many awards like the Zee Rishtay Awards, Kalakaar awards, gold awards, Indian television academy awards and many more such awards for the exceptional storylines and the exceptional performances by the actors in the show
Throughout the course of the show, there were many times when we thought this show felt more like a thriller show instead of a Saas bahu drama. Like the one time when Prithvi and Sherlyn conspire to get Karan arrested or the time when Sherlyn keeps Preeta hostage so that she doesn’t stop her marriage or the time when Sherlyn fabricates pictures of Preeta in order to create problems between Preeta and Karan.
This show goes from a Saas- bahu show to a full-on thriller creating interest among the audience. The show has got many twists and turns and for sure is very unpredictable, which makes it all the more interesting. The writing for this show is extremely strong in terms of characterization and the engaging screenplay is leaving audiences hooked at the end of every episode.