COLORS’ newly launched show Udaariyaan is a heartwarming story of the Sandhu family from Punjab. Showcasing how a family’s dream of going to Canada rests on the shoulders of their daughters Tejo (Priyanka Choudhary) and Jasmine (Isha Malviya). And in between these big dreams, there is Fateh, a young boxer who has only one small dream to be with Jasmine. 

The actors are shooting for the show in Punjab throughout and have settled into becoming one big family! Especially the leading ladies Priyanka Choudhary and Isha Malviya. Their bond on-screen is reflected beautifully in their friendship off-screen. The two are inseparable and always look out for each other. 

Talking about their bond, Priyanka Choudhary said, “Isha and I, we get along like a house on fire! She is full of life, just like her character, and really helps me with a lot of things, she is a pro when it comes to social media and has taught me a lot! I am very possessive about her and I am truly blessed to have such a loving co-actor.”

Isha Malviya said about her friendship with Priyanka Chaudhary, “Priyanka is just like my elder sister. She takes very good care of me and being with her has made me very comfortable. Since I am living away from home in Punjab, it is necessary to find great co-actors and I am glad to be working with her. When we meet, we do a lot of khichayi of Ankit! I am sure that our bond off-screen will reflect in our on-screen chemistry too.”