Shraddha Arya, the Kundali Bhagya actress has shared a hilarious fun video on her social media handle to make a fun confession that she isn’t a morning person at all. The actress shared a video as she’s been lying all lazy on her luxurious home swing, in her home wrap dress.

In the video, we could see Shraddha Arya syncing to some popular audio in the reel. In the video, we could see Shraddha Arya sitting on her swing as she gets concerned to see someone running on the road (imaginary), the actress mouths and we quote, “why is this person running (in mind)…Are you okay is somebody chasing you?…oh you are running on purpose?” and then she signs off all pissed saying, “stuff in the morning”

Sharing the reel, she wrote, “I Don’t Like Morning People.. Or Mornings.. Or People ?”

Kundali Bhagya is one of the most popular shows on television. The show stars Shraddha Arya and Dheeraj Dhoopar in the lead. While Arya essays the role of Preeta, Karan essays the role of Karan in the show. Nonetheless, the onscreen couple known as Preeran is one of the most popular couples from the television.

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