Surbhi Jyoti, the Quabool Hai actress has taken the moment to slay with her dancing skills on social media. The diva earlier has got us wowed and impressed with her sharp acting chops in shows and cinemas, and now her groovy dance steps to the popular song Pasoori, followed by stellar fashion transformation.
In the video, we could spot Surbhi Jyoti in a white casual tee along with black trousers. She teamed the look with casual hairdo, kohled eyes and nude lips. However, as she transitions through and thorough with her dance moves, we see a different Surbhi looking all vivacious in her floral green one-shoulder midi dress. The actress teamed the outfit with hoop earrings, kohled eyes and wavy hairdo.
Sharing the reel on her social media handle, the actress revealed how much she is in love with the song “pasoori” as she vibes like a queen, followed by her joyous dance moves.
Here take a look-