Bhavya Gandhi, known for her role as Tapu Gada in the show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is currently venturing out with his film career and nonetheless has truly flourished with his immense talent so far. The actor is now all busy and elated as his next film too gets released in the theatres.
The actor shared a reel video on his social media handle, at the premiere show of the film, announcing, “Get on the floor and dance with us!! Kehvatlal Parivar’ in the cinemas near you.” Here take a look-
Palak Sindhwani took it to her social media handle to share an adorable picture from an eatery, where the actress was seen enjoying a good plate of sushi and a glass of refreshing drink. The actress sharing the picture, wrote a pun-filled caption, saying, “I can’t wait to sushi you again”.