TV actress Divyanka Tripathi, who rose to fame after playing the lead in Ekta Kapoor’s Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, has also gained a lot of love from her fans for her exceptional acting talent. As per reports in Indian Express, she recalled having faced the casting couch.
She said in an interview that she was very naive when she started out in the industry, and all she had to rely on was her understanding of right and wrong, for which she credited her parents and sister. Recalling her struggles, Divyanka told Bollywood Bubble that she was experiencing a career lull, she was ‘offered’ to sleep with a director. “You charge on. You finish a show, and then your struggle starts again,” she said in Hindi.
She continued, “There was a time when there was no money. I had to pay my bills, EMIs, there was a lot of pressure. And then an offer comes, ‘You have to be with this director and you’ll get a big break’. And the way they used to sell it, like this is the only thing that could make your life.”
Divyanka said, “People who make such offers, this is how they lure you, by saying that everyone else is doing it too. This is before the #MeToo movement. Sometimes, they even threaten to destroy your career if you don’t go along.” She said that she was convinced that she would succeed on the strength of her career alone.