Shraddha Arya, who plays the role of Preeta in Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya, has worked very hard to gain stardom and reach where she is in her career today. She became everyone’s beloved Preeta, a sweet and good-natured daughter-in-law who was the apple of everyone’s eye at home. Her chemistry with Dheeraj Dhoppar grabbed a lot of attention during the course.

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She enjoys a massive fan following on social media and often keeps her fans updated with whatever is happening in her life. From the sizzling pink bikini and ruffled top attire to the attractive and cute striped dress by the beach and from uber cool beach wear to donning an amazing shirt dress while reading at the beach, style icon Shraddha Arya seems to have nailed every look effortlessly.

Recently, the actress seems to be upset as she is not able to meet her friends. She took to Instagram and posted a video which also includes her friend. She captioned her post as ‘I Miss My Friends.’ She also put a sad and emotional smiley along with the caption.

Take a look here!!

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