Advocate Anjali Awasthi the Star Plus television show produced by Blues Production has seen engaging drama with Aman (Ankit Raizada) and Anjali (Shritama Mitra) faking to be married. However, the Rajput family, especially Abhay Singh Rajput doubts about their marriage and wants the reality to come out. Hence he has coaxed the family to have their remarriage done so that the truth comes out. The Rajput family also have a dual motive, they do not want Anjali to fight the case in court.

The upcoming episode will see big drama with The Rajput family not allowing her to go to court on the day of the case. However, Aman will promise Anjali that he will take her to court so that she can fight her battle against the Rajputs. Even while Anjali will face problems from her own mother who is threatened by the Rajputs, Aman will stand by Anjali and will side her and give her confidence. However, it is to be seen how Aman and Anjali deal with the marriage that is being planned.

Will the truth of their fake marriage come out?

Star Plus show Advocate Anjali Awasthi marks Shritama Mitra’s Hindi television debut. Shritama Mitra will be seen essaying the titular role of Advocate Anjali Awasthi in the show. Advocate Anjali Awasthi is a strong and fearless character; she craves recognition for her genius, and this will surely compel the audience to root for her cause—justice for the downtrodden. It has Shritama Mitra and Ankit Raizada playing the lead roles.