Colors’ popular show Udaan (Guroudev Bhalla and Dhaval Gada) will see a race happening between Anjor (Tanya Sharma) and Chakor (Meera Deosthale).
It will be a pulsating one for the audience as Chakor will be pitted against her own daughter.
In order to win the race, Anjor will try to put hurdles in the way of Chakor. Initially she will lock Chakor in the washroom so that she will not turn up to participate.
But Chakor will break the glass of the window and will come out and will get ready to run in the race.
Anjor will now have yet another plan ready to stop Chakor from winning.
As per a reliable source, “Anjor will plant a piece of glass in Chakor’s shoes, and with the race starting, Anjor and Chakor will start to run. Soon, Chakor will feel the pain with her leg starting to bleed.”
Who will win this race? Will Chakor overcome hurdles to beat Anjor? Or will Anjor win it?
We buzzed artists but could not get through for a comment.
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