Anupamaa the Star Plus television show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen engaging drama with Anupamaa (Rupali Ganguly) and Anuj (Gauav Khanna) brooding over their daughter Adhya’s absence. As we know, as soon as Anupamaa found Anuj, she was curious to know about Adhya (Aurra Bhatnagar Badoni), their daughter. However, she was shocked when Anuj told her about Adhya’s demise. Anupamaa has been putting her efforts to treat Anuj and make him normal.

The upcoming episode will see Anupamaa making a portrait on Adhya on the wall. Anuj and Anupamaa will touch the portrait of their daughter and will cry remembering her. Anuj will go one level high, with emotions playing big time. He will blame himself for Adhya’s death and will curse himself.

On the other hand, Vanraj will get livid at Sagar and will beat him up. Anupamaa will try to stop Vanraj and will ask the reason. Vanraj will accuse Sagar of climbing up the pipe to repair it, and seeing Meenu in the washroom.

What will happen next?

Anupamaa has been the numero uno show across all GECs for a long time now. The show caters to the attention and love of housewives who have strived to make things work and start careers of their own. The show produced by Rajan Shahi has Rupali Ganguly playing the titular role of Anupamaa. Actors Sudhanshu Pandey and Gaurav Khanna play the male leads in the show.