Anupamaa the Star Plus television show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen engaging drama with the family of Prem (Shivam Khajrua) being introduced. We wrote about actors Zalak Desai, Alka Kaushal and Rahil Azam entering the show. We also wrote about Anupamaa’s (Rupali Ganguly) chance meeting with Khyaati Kothari, the mother of Prem. She had come to offer her special prayers to get back her son, when Anupamaa spotted her. The two of them had a talk wherein Khyaati offered the big catering contract to Anupamaa for their family’s Sankranti celebration.

The upcoming episode will see Anupamaa being upbeat about the huge contract that she has bagged. She will plan things out with Raahi (Adrija Roy) and Prem. However, none of them will know that the family is actually Prem’s own family.

Khyaati will come to meet Anupamaa at her house to pay her the advance money. However, she will have a special yet strange request to make. Khyaati will ask Anupamaa to impress her strict disciplinarian mother-in-law with her food.

What will happen next?

Anupamaa has been one of the top shows across all GECs for a long time now. The show caters to the attention and love of housewives who have strived to make things work and start careers of their own. The show produced by Rajan Shahi has Rupali Ganguly playing the titular role of Anupamaa. Gaurav Khanna plays the male lead. Recently, the show took a generation leap after which actors Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen staged their entries. However, soon, Alisha was replaced by Adrija Roy.