Anupamaa the Star Plus television show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen engaging drama with Maahi (Spreha Chatterjee) and Raahi (Alisha Parveen) having a strong feeling about Prem (Shivam Khajuria). Maahi has also shown signs of being jealous of Raahi, owing to her growing closeness with not only Prem but also with Anupamaa (Rupali Ganguly). We have also written about how both the girls keep admiring Prem and get lost in his thoughts every now and then. As for Prem, he has always rallied behind Raahi and has a soft corner for her. Anupamaa, in the meanwhile, has been unaware of both the girls falling for the same man.
The upcoming episode will see the Shah household gear up for the Vivah Panchami, the occasion which celebrates the union and marriage of Lord Ram and Sita. The Shahs will plan to recreate Ram Leela and enact the wedding sequence on stage. They will decide to write chits and pick chits to know how the pairing for Ram and Sita will happen. While Prem will wish and pray that Raahi’s chit turns up and she is voted to play Sita opposite him who plays Ram, Maahi will decide to rig the game in her favour. She will decide to play a foul game and make her chit to appear for playing Sita.
What will happen next?
Anupamaa has been the numero uno show across all GECs for a long time now. The show caters to the attention and love of housewives who have strived to make things work and start careers of their own. The show produced by Rajan Shahi has Rupali Ganguly playing the titular role of Anupamaa. Gaurav Khanna plays the male lead. Recently, the show took a generation leap after which actors Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen staged their entries.