The Star Plus show Anupamaa, produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut Production, has been in the top chart since the first day. Recently, the audience has seen Anupama planning a picnic to uncover Prem’s truth, handle Mahi’s craze, and find out Rahi’s dilemma. As everyone reaches the picnic spot, Prem is worried as he finds the place familiar, probably connected to his true identity. Anupama asks him if everything is fine and he nods revealing that it feels that he might have come here with his friends.
In the upcoming episode, Prem finds a broach and wishes to give it to Raahi as a token of love. Prem gives the broach to Raahi in a romantic moment where they come close to each other, but it turns out to be Prem’s fantasy dream. However, Prem loses the broach unknowingly, which Raahi finds, and she keeps it to herself, feeling a connection with it, unaware of the fact that it was meant for her by Prem.
Later, Anupama and her family enjoy a great time near the pool. Everyone looks happy, and they indulge in some wholesome dance. They do not miss Gujarati’s favorite Garba around the pool, making the moment happy and healthy for the family. The tension builds as Prem reveals that he doesn’t love Maahi and confesses his feelings for Raahi, which leaves everyone shocked. In the dramatic scene, Maahi is heartbroken and leaves the place.
Anupamaa, the StarPlus show, entertains the audience with relatable and interesting storylines produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut Productions. Rupali Ganguly plays Anupama, and Gaurav Khanna plays Anuj. The new generation leads are Adrija Roy, who is Rahi, and Shivam Khajuria, who is Prem.