Anupamaa the Star Plus television show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s kut has seen engaging drama with Anupamaa (Rupali Ganguly) taking the blame on herself when the police came to arrest them for the bad quality of food that left many people sick. Raahi (Alisha Parveen) realized her mistake and wept in loneliness, only to be comforted and supported by Prem (Shivam Khajuria). We have written about Maahi developing a soft corner for Prem and being drawn towards him. The benevolent act of Prem during her tough time has left Raahi too developing a liking for Prem.
The upcoming episode will see Raahi and Anupamaa’s relationship getting better with time. Raahi will make a new beginning with her mother when she will also develop strong feelings for Prem. Prem will be in his own world when both the girls Raahi and Maahi will admire him, much to the others not noticing it. As for Anupamaa, she will be in a happy zone with both her daughters Maahi and Raahi. But Anupamaa will be unaware of the new storm that is coming her way, with both her daughters liking the same man.
What will happen next?
Anupamaa has been the numero uno show across all GECs for a long time now. The show caters to the attention and love of housewives who have strived to make things work and start careers of their own. The show produced by Rajan Shahi has Rupali Ganguly playing the titular role of Anupamaa. Gaurav Khanna plays the male lead. Recently, the show took a generation leap after which actors Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen staged their entries.