Anupamaa the Star Plus television show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen shocking drama over Raahi’s (Alsha Parveen) different approach to her business. Her ways of handling her team and clients are very different from what Anupamaa (Rupali Ganguly) has successfully done for years. We saw Jigna throwing the huge blame for being insensitive over Raahi as her husband went into a coma. Also, with the clients lodging a police complaint against Raahi’s catering with many people falling sick while eating their food, Anupamaa got arrested. This development threw Raahi on a guilt trip.
The upcoming episode will see Raahi being accused by the Shah family of bringing problems to the family and Anupamaa. Raahi will realize that she made a grave mistake and will be extremely apologetic about it. Prem (Shivam Khajuria) will be the only person defending Raahi. He will understand that she has realized her mistake. He will stand firm and will want to help her out in this tough time. Raahi, on the other hand, will wait for an opportunity to seek forgiveness from Anupamaa.
Will Anupamaa be able to forgive Raahi?
Anupamaa has been the numero uno show across all GECs for a long time now. The show caters to the attention and love of housewives who have strived to make things work and start careers of their own. The show produced by Rajan Shahi has Rupali Ganguly playing the titular role of Anupamaa. Gaurav Khanna plays the male lead. Recently, the show took a generation leap after which actors Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen staged their entries.