Apollena Sapno Ki Unchi Udann the Colors television show produced by 4 Lions Films and Rajita Sharma’s Kath Kottage has seen engaging drama with Apollena (Aditi Sharma) and her father Girdhar Shukla (Sandeep Baswana) coming to Kanpur for Apollena’s admission to the engineering college after she secured a good ranking in the JEE. While her dadi wanted her to stay with the Pande family, Saraswati, the lady in the house talked disrespectfully with Girdhar which led to the father and daughter deciding not to go to the Pande Niwas. However, when Mahadev Pande (Shahbaz Khan) asked them to come over for the Puja happening at their house, they agreed to be there for a few minutes.

The upcoming episode will see Apollena facing a tough situation as owing to a mishap that will involve her, the rangoli made by Mahadev Pande for the puja and hawan will get ruined. However, Apollena will take it upon herself to redo the rangoli in a quick time. She will succeed in this challenge and will win MP’s heart. He will be mighty impressed with Apollena’s power of understanding and will praise Girdhar about it.

This encounter will also put Shlok (Samarthya Gupta) and Apollena face to face, wherein Apollena will prove her worth on many occasions.

What will happen next?

The show centres around Apollena, who aspires to become India’s first female astronaut and restore her father’s honour. However, her journey to the stars is fraught with challenges, as her father is branded a traitor, and Apollena must bear the crushing label of daughter of a traitor. The story will explore whether she can break free from the gravitational pull of prejudice and stigma. It stars Aditi Sharma and Sandeep Baswana in main roles.