Badall Pe Paon Hai, the Sony Sab new television show produced by Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta under Dreamiyata, rules over hearts with its relatable storyline and interesting characters. Baani (Amandeep Sidhu) and Rajat (Aakash Ahuja) enjoy their time at the party, where Lavanya tries to get close to Rajat and brews misunderstandings between Rajat and Baani.

In the upcoming episode, Baani and Rajat enjoy a romantic evening at a restaurant where Bani, filled with excitement, performs a heartfelt song for Rajat. Her genuine affection and shyness deepen their bond, leaving Rajat both touched and attracted. Baani and Rajat’s playful interaction turns tense when they encounter Shilpa and Ginni arguing over a lottery ticket. Baani handles the situation.

On the other hand, distressed by the argument, Rajat contemplates resigning from his job, while Baani, focused on her upcoming meeting, remains unaware of his turmoil. The next day, Baani helps a man find his lost wallet containing a valuable photo and a lottery ticket. Her kind gesture is rewarded, reinforcing her belief in goodness.

Baani starts her new job and excitedly shares her feelings about Rajat with her friend Navjyot, who teases her about falling in love. Bani also expresses her concerns about Rajat’s past relationship with Lavanya. Later, Baani navigates a chaotic environment amid tension between her bosses, Nakul and Divya Bagga, amidst their contentious divorce.

Rajat returns home after meeting Lavanya, and Ginni confronts him. Rajat warns Ginni to keep her mouth shut. Rajat tries to hide his meeting with Lavanya, but Baani overhears.

It will be interesting to see what will happen next.