Barrister Babu the Colors show produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions has seen Bondita (Anchal Sahu) bringing back the old Anirudh who had got lost years back. As Vaijayanti, Bondita has been successful in forcing Anirudh to get back to his original self, without his knowledge.
Anirudh had forgotten to laugh, and she made him laugh. He never ate Rasgulla and she made him eat that. He had never touched the piano, and he started playing it.
Now, Vaijayanti puts the offer of marriage before Anirudh (Pravish Mishra). In the coming episode, there will beĀ major drama when Anirudh will think of Bondita when Vaijayanti will pose the question of marriage.
Vaijayanti will in the mind want Anirudh to refuse her marriage proposal. She will believe that if Anirudh does refuse to marry her, it is proof enough that Anirudh has only Bondita in his mind and nobody else.
Will Vaijayanti get the answer she wants to hear from Anirudh?