Bhagya Lakshmi, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under her production house Balaji Telefilms, continues to entertain the audience with major ups and downs in the lives of Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) and Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare). Rishi comes to save Lakshmi from goons. They indulge in a cute fight, and Lakshmi requests that he save her anyhow.
In the upcoming episode, Aayush confronts Anushka and asks her about her truth. Anushka taunts Aayush for always talking about Shalu. Aayush warns Anushka not to say anything wrong to Shalu. Shalu shares her concern with Rano, highlighting that she wants to save Aayush.
Neel tells Rishi and Lakshmi that he will kill them as he can get money by blackmailing Anushka. He reveals that Anushka is his wife, and they have not been divorced yet. In a heated moment, Neel points a gun at Lakshmi, leaving Rishi worried. Lakshmi is scared and worries about her child.
On the other hand, Aayush gets Shalu’s phone data restored and also proof against Anushka. He takes all the date in his pendrive which Anushka overhears. Anushka plans to destroy the proof against her. Rishi fights with the goons to save Lakshmi.
It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Bhagya Lakshmi chronicles the story of a poor girl, Lakshmi. Her life changes after she gets married to a businessman, Rishi Oberoi. However, she feels betrayed when she learns the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now Rishi and Lakshmi are separated. Will destiny bring them together?