Zee TV’s popular show Bhagya Lakshmi has been entertaining the audience for the past three years with gripping storylines and major dramas. It is produced by Ekta Kapoor under her production house, Balaji Telefilms. Before Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) could see Lakshmi’s (Aishwarya Khare) report, the file fell, and then Kiran asked Rishi to be with Malishka. Rishi expresses his concern about Lakshmi to Neelam.

In the upcoming episode, Lakshmi takes her report from Rishi and leaves to meet Rano. Meanwhile, Malishka arrives and tries to seek Rishi’s attention. Rishi brings Malishka home, and Neelam tells him to take her upstairs in his arms. Rishi goes to his room, and he bumps into Lakshmi, who is hurt seeing Rishi holding Malishka in his arms. Malishka enjoys seeing Lakshmi helpless.

Rishi expresses his feelings to Lakshmi that he will talk to her when their truths are the same, and they are on the same page in an intense moment. Malishka overhears their conversation and gets jealous. On the other hand, Shalu calls Rishi and asks if he has seen her reports. Rishi secretly takes Lakshmi’s report and checks her details. Lakshmi gets worried about discovering Rishi’s ploy.

Bhagya Lakshmi chronicles the story of a poor girl, Lakshmi. Her life changes after she gets married to a businessman, Rishi Oberoi. However, she feels betrayed when she learns the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now Rishi and Lakshmi are separated. Will destiny bring them together?