Bhagya Lakshmi, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under her production house Balaji Telefilms, entertains the audience with major ups and downs in the lives of Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) and Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare). Neel reveals that he is Anushka’s husband, leaving Rishi and Lakshmi shocked. Aayush retrieves the data with the help of the hacker.

In the upcoming episode, Rishi fights with the goons to save Lakshmi. He beats everyone and successfully rescues Lakshmi. Aayush plays the video recorded by Shalu, and everyone sees Anushka and Neel together. Shalu tells Anushka to reveal the truth, and she cannot lie this time. Anushka, in flow, says Neel is her husband.

Anushka tries to manipulate everyone and says that Neel is not her husband, but he is. Aayush gets angry and asks her if he is her husband or his wife. Anushka tries to lie, but Rishi intervenes and reveals that Anushka is still Neel’s wife, leaving everyone shocked. Anushka becomes angry and threatens everyone that they cannot rule on her, which makes Neelam angry.

What will happen next?

Bhagya Lakshmi chronicles the story of a poor girl, Lakshmi. Her life changes after she gets married to a businessman, Rishi Oberoi. However, she feels betrayed when she learns the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now Rishi and Lakshmi are separated. Will destiny bring them together?