Zee TV show Bhagya Lakshmi has been entertaining the audience with interesting twists and turns for the last three years. It is produced by Ekta Kapoor under the banner Balaji Telefilms. The police arrest Anushka while Aayush applies his blood on Shalu’s forehead, showcasing his true desire and love.
In the upcoming episode, Shalu breaks down in tears as Aayush fights for his life due to Anushka’s stabbing incident. Shalu cries and begs in front of the god to save Aayush. Lakshmi comes to talk to Shalu, but she ignores her. Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare) confronts Shalu, making her understand that if she is upset with Aayush, that’s fine, but hurting him by rejecting his proposal is not right. In the emotional moment, Shalu tells Lakshmi that she loves Aayush, but because she has a fear of Neelam, she denies it. Then Lakshmi decides to unite them.
Later, Lakshmi goes to Neelam, asking her to let Aayush and Shalu get married. Neelam straightforwardly denies it. Lakshmi tells Neelam that Shalu loved Aayush, and there is nothing better than that. Also, Neelam can see their love herself. Meanwhile, Karishma and Kiran come. Neelam tells Lakshmi that she will unite Shalu and Aayush, but Lakshmi will have to leave Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) forever, leaving her in a tough spot.
Bhagya Lakshmi chronicles the story of a poor girl, Lakshmi. Her life changes after she gets married to a businessman, Rishi Oberoi. However, she feels betrayed when she learns the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now Rishi and Lakshmi are separated. Will destiny bring them together?