Zee TV show Bhagya Lakshmi produced by Balaji Telefilms has seen quite a lot of drama happening in the last few weeks. According to the storyline, the robbers send Rishi out to bring the keys to the locker. Rishi comes out and takes the keys along to give to the robbers.

Later, the boss of the bank robbers gives his demands to Inspector Rakesh. The robbers bring the hostages out along with them. However, Rishi hits one of the goons and he fires from his gun. Lakshmi sees Rishi being in danger and rushes towards him. However, the bullet hits Rishi and he collapses.

Now, in the coming episode, Shalu finds out that Lakshmi is also injured as the bullet hurts her too. The Oberoi family rushes both Rishi and Lakshmi to the hospital. Lakshmi gets saved. However, the doctors inform that Rishi is critical. Neelam and Virendra get shocked to find their son being in danger.

OMG! What will happen next? Will Rishi survive?

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