Zee TV’s popular show Bhagya Lakshmi, produced by Balaji Telefilms, has seen quite a lot of drama in the last few weeks. So far, Neelam allows Parvati to stay in the house. The next morning, Parvati wakes up early and performs puja of Tulsi plant. Aayush and Rishi witness her and they both get shocked. Rishi remembers that Lakshmi used to also perform puja just like Parvati. She later also performs puja with Rishi and the entire Oberoi family.
Neelam calls Rohan and speaks to him, she witnesses Lakshmi and asks Rohan to give her the phone. However, as soon as Lakshmi takes the phone, the network goes off. Later, Paro calls Rohan and speaks to him and Lakshmi. Paro reveals about Siddharth and his evil acts. However, she assures Lakshmi that Rohan’s dad is with her and she is safe. Meanwhile, the principal of the school informs Rishi about Rohan’s accident. Rishi gets shocked and decides to come to the village to take Rohan along.
In the coming episode, Rajneet comes to Lakshmi’s house to meet Paro. Soon, he starts misbehaving with Lakshmi and talks ill about Paro’s father. Lakshmi gets angry and asks Rajneet to get out. Rohan witnesses Rajneet’s ill behaviour with Lakshmi and gets angry, he pushes Rajneet. The latter gets furious over Rohan but Lakshmi comes to his rescue. Later, Rajneet goes and asks his goons to destroy Lakshmi’s crops in her farm.
Bhagya Lakshmi Ep 874 6 March 2024 Written Episode Update
The principal of the school informs Rishi about Rohan’s accident. Rishi gets shocked and decides to come to the village to take Rohan along.