Bigg Boss 18 the Colors reality show recently saw film-maker Anurag Kashyap enter the show and talk to a few of the contestants in the Bigg Boss confession room. He was seen getting into conversations with contestants on their journeys, their close people, who they miss and more. We also wrote about popular singer Sunidhi Chauhan all set to grace the show for the Weekend Ka Vaar episode where she will promote her new song Aankh.
The upcoming episode will see yet another celebrity guest gracing the show. It will be Shweta Singh, the famous journalist who will be given the honour of sharing conversations with contestants in the confession room.
Avinash Mishra will be on the hot seat and Shweta will not mince words to ask about his relationship with Eisha Singh. Avinash will also be clear in his stance and will term their relationship as ‘being good friends’. Shweta will remind him that this is the Bigg Boss house where many relationships have been made in the past. She will also spill the beans of many faking to be in relationships for the sake of the game. Avinash will sound shaky but will confirm that he is good friends with Eisha.
As we approach the weekend, it gets all the more interesting to see who will get evicted this week. As for the nominations of this week, it will be interesting to see who will get evicted. The nominated contestants for the week are Karanveer Mehra, Digvijay Rathee, Sara Arfeen Khan, Kashish Kapoor, Chum Darang, Shilpa Shirodkar.
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