Bigg Boss 18 the Colors reality show has seen a huge tiff between Eisha Singh and Avinash Mishra, the best of friends. Eisha was upset and felt ignored by Avinash when Avinash got into a long-drawn conversation with Vivian Dsena. This added to the friendship blows that the house has already seen in Chum – Shrutika, Shilpa – Karanveer etc. We have already written about singer Sunidhi Chauhan coming over this weekend to promote her new music video Aankh. She will be accompanied by the face in the video, actress Sanya Malhotra.

We have also written about the fact that instead of Salman Khan handling duties in Weekend Ka Vaar this week, it will be Farah Khan setting up her Farah Ki Adaalat.

The upcoming episode will see Farah Khan appreciating Karanveer Mehra and lauding his efforts for being the most targetted contestant in the house. Farah will point out that the last time a contestant was targeted, it was Sidharth Shukla and he ended up winning the trophy. Farah will be seen rewarding Karan with a medal.

When she will start her questioning session, she will put Tajinder Bagga on the hot seat. She will ask him why he is going on his anti-Karan propaganda in the house. Farah will point out the below-the-belt comment that Bagga passed on Karanveer, ‘Inke mamaji PMO main bathroom saaf karte honge’. Farah will ask him whether this was decent enough. Bagga will talk about Karan’s personal attacks on him, and Farah will be quick to ask him if only Karan indulged in personal attacks.

What will happen next?

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