Bigg Boss 18 the Colors reality show is just weeks away from its grand finale. While the show has seen the exit of Digvijay Rathee, Sara Arfeen Khan and Kashish Kapoor in the recent time, the big race is on for the contestants to the road to the finale. The nominated contestants for the week happen to be Rajat Dalal, Chaahat Pandey and Shrutika Arjun. It is rumoured that this week, there will be a double eviction in the house. Amidst this, a lot of drama is seen between Shilpa Shirodkar, Vivian Dsena, and Karanveer Mehra. While Shilpa apologized to Vivian, Vivian ignored her. This act of Shilpa did not go down well with Karan and he confronted her for apologizing to Vivian. This brought emotional disturbances in the bond between Karan and Shilpa too.
The upcoming episode will see Shilpa weeping over the fact that her act hurt Karan. She will be seen telling Karan that she needs to prove her friendship to him. She will also talk about her action of apologizing, and will tell that she did not want to look stupid. Shilpa will say that she understands Karan’s point, and will not go back to Vivian.
She will say, ‘I understand your point. Muje jo karna tha maine kiya. Vivian is on his own path and I am on my path. My sorry came from a very emotional space and not for the action. Uska jo reaction tha good luck to him. For me, you are a loser, kyunki tum ek sorry bhi nahi accept karsaka. That’s how I look at it.’
What will happen next?
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