Bigg Boss 18 the Colors reality show has seen Farah Khan dig up conversations with contestants in the Weekend Ka Vaar episode. This week no eviction happened. Farah literally schooled Eisha Singh on her intent of giving a lot of importance to Karanveer Mehra. Also, the stage of Bigg Boss was graced by Sunidhi Chauhan and actor Sanya Malhotra who associated for the first time with the music video Aankh.
The upcoming episode will see the new week getting into the toughest zone of nomination. Every week’s nomination episode springs up new surprises and this week’s surprise was Avinash Mishra going against Vivian Dsena and nominating him.
Vivian Dsena will be literally at the receiving end, with contestants Chahat Pandey, Digvijay Rathee and Avinash Mishra nominating him for eviction. Avinash’s decision will be surprising as Avinash and Vivian shared a very good relationship. Avinash will be seen giving an explanation to the Karan, Vivian and Mummy angle. Avinash will say that the trio will not allow this angle to die down and will keep instigating each other to use it. Avinash will again point out that the angle has to end and he will nominate Vivian with a thought of ending it.
What will happen next? Will Vivian be able to save himself this week? Who do you think will get evicted this week?
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