CID the Sony TV cop drama is back to our screens after six years. The team of ACP Pradhyuman, Senior Inspectors Daya and Abhijeet along with Purvi, Pankaj and others have won the love and affection of audiences again. The show that Banijay Asia now produces is working on cases that will engage new-age viewers, who are technology savvy. One such story will air this weekend where the CID team will have their task cut out as they will battle to explore the darker side of technology.

The story will be about the life of a tech genius, Vishal, who will create a revolutionary AI device named Grahani to automate his home. His innovation will soon backfire when a tragic incident will end up in his death, owing to a fire mishap.

Team CID will get on the investigation and will explore and question all the people linked to the life of Vishal. The episode will talk about the pros and cons of technology, as the team will get into the darker side of Vijay’s innovations in order to find the culprit behind his death. The case will also talk about the disastrous flaw in his AI device, Grahani.

Are you ready for this thrilling case?

CID, this season, began with a gripping storyline of Abhijeet shooting at Daya, and a personal clash between the colleagues and best of friends. The show garnered a great opening and is one of the top-rated shows now for the channel.