The popular show Dil Diyaan Gallaan on Sony SAB has successfully created an impression via its diverse and unique concept. According to the storyline, Veer-Amrita and Dollar-Riya gear up for their first night. However, Dilpreet calls the family for an urgent meeting. Dilpreet divides the responsibilities among his four sons Veer, Dollar, Maan, and Rana.
Later, Dollar and Veer try to get Dilpreet to finish his meeting so that they can spend time with their respective partners. Dilpreet learns about their plan and separates Veer-Amrita and Dollar-Riya on their wedding day. He asks the boys Veer and Dollar to focus on work and finish it within the given deadlines.
In the coming episode, Sanjot, determined to reunite the newly married couples, comes up with a clever plan. Making an excuse, Sanjot sends Veer to Amrita’s room and Dollar to Riya’s, hoping for a romantic rendezvous. As things seem to be going according to plan, Dilpreet unexpectedly awakens and decides to check on the boys. Alarmed by Dilpreet’s imminent arrival, Veer and Dollar quickly retreat to their original rooms. Sanjot’s carefully laid-out plan to bring the couples together ultimately fails.
Will Veer and Dollar spend first night with their wives?