Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua the Star Plus television show produced by SVF Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Janvi (Urvashi Pardeshi) and Prithvi’s (Keshav Mehta) Tilak ceremony to happen. As we know, Shobha has left Deepika (Aditi Tripathi) back at home, since Lavanya (Shubhaavi Choksey) did not want Deepak to be present for the Tilak. However, naive Deepika does not realize that her mother did it deliberately, and is on her way to the venue.

We saw Deepika getting injured on her leg while running all the way to the venue. She was weak and tired but wanted to make it for her sister’s function.

The upcoming episode will see Deepika entering the venue and fainting owing to fatigue. Chirag (Akkshith Sukhija) will treat her and will take care of her. Shobha will insist on not worrying about Deepika but carrying on with the function. Chirag will object to the family’s behaviour towards their servant. Hearing this, Deepika’s father will get angry. When Lavanya will yet again refer Deepika as a the servant of the house, Deepika’s father will get enraged and will question them as to why they are calling his daughter a servant. It will come as a shock to Chirag when he will learn that Deepika is the elder sister of Janvi. Deepika’s father will yell at Shobha on finding her to be the reason for the misunderstanding. Lavanya will immediately break the relationship of Janvi and Prithvi citing the family has lied to them.

What will happen next?

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi as Deepika and Akshit Sukhija as Chirag in the lead roles, is set against the vibrant backdrop of Rajasthan.  The show explores the love story of Deepika and Chirag, and the societal and familial challenges they face. The plot thickens when Chirag’s family proposes marriage to Jhanvi (Deepika’s sister), but Chirag chooses Deepika instead, leading to conflict between both families. The unfolding story promises to explore whether love can triumph over societal and familial opposition.