Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua the Star Plus television show produced by SVF Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Chirag (Akkshith Sukhija) being blinded and believing that Deepika (Aditi Tripathi) deceived him in love. However, the mastermind for their separation was Mishka, which Chirag was unaware of. Now, the kids Ragini and Chandni were reason enough for Chirag and Deepika’s life to get tangled again. However, Chirag took the decision of going to London with Ragini. Deepika who got to know about Ragini being her daughter, at the right moment, stopped Chirag from taking his daughter and flying. Instead, Deepika took Ragini to her home. This left Chirag baffled and he was seen crying for Ragini, and cursing Deepika for her actions. We wrote about Lavanya slapping Chirag for cursing his own blood.

The upcoming episode will see Chirag being restless with Ragini gone from his life. He will hire the best of lawyer and will plan to drag Deepika to the court. The lawyer will even suggest that they can throw the accusation of being an irresponsible mother over Deepika to win the case. Chirag will be agreeable and will want his daughter back at any cost. However, Lavanya will scold him for losing his ethics in life.

What will happen next?

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi as Deepika and Akshit Sukhija as Chirag in the lead roles, is set against the vibrant backdrop of Rajasthan.  The show explores the love story of Deepika and Chirag, and the societal and familial challenges they face. The plot thickens when Chirag’s family proposes marriage to Jhanvi (Deepika’s sister), but Chirag chooses Deepika instead, leading to conflict between both families. The unfolding story promises to explore whether love can triumph over societal and familial opposition.