Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua the Star Plus television show produced by SVF Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Chirag (Akkshith Sukhija) not ready to believe that Deepika (Aditi Tripathi) is innocent. Mishka has been making it difficult for Chirag to believe in his family, especially his parents who are siding with Deepika. We saw the kids Ragini and Chandni unknowingly bringing their parents together. We wrote about a cute sequence happening in Deepika’s house where Chirag fed Chandni and Deepika fed Ragini.
We saw how Chirag who was totally inebriated entered Deepika’s house in the wee hours of the night and confessed to her that he has always loved her.
The upcoming episode will see Deepika bringing inside her house an inebriated Chirag. Chirag in his wayward state, will tell Deepika that Ragini so very much reminded him of Deepika as they were identical in their thought process. Chirag will also pull Deepika to the bed and will tell her that he has loved her. Deepika will tell him that she has no right as Mishka is his wife.
Will Chirag and Deepika’s misunderstandings get sorted now?
Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi as Deepika and Akshit Sukhija as Chirag in the lead roles, is set against the vibrant backdrop of Rajasthan. The show explores the love story of Deepika and Chirag, and the societal and familial challenges they face. The plot thickens when Chirag’s family proposes marriage to Jhanvi (Deepika’s sister), but Chirag chooses Deepika instead, leading to conflict between both families. The unfolding story promises to explore whether love can triumph over societal and familial opposition.