Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua the Star Plus television show produced by SVF Productions has seen engaging drama with Mishka keeping Chirag (Akkshith Sukhija) unaware of Ragini being his daughter. She successfully created situations where Chirag did not see the DNA report that established this fact. Meanwhile, Chandni who secured admission to Ragini’s school, was invited to the Mittal house for a puja. Deepika (Aditi Tripathi) tried not to send Chandni to the Mittal house, but Chandni wanted to go.
At the Mittal house, we saw Janvi brainwashing Ragini against Chandni which led to Ragini locking up Chandni in the store room. However, Chirag rescued Chandni and was relieved to see her safe. Chirag had a cute moment with his two daughters without knowing that both are his daughters.
The upcoming episode will see Chandni coming home and talking about father’s love and how she has not got that in her life. Deepika will feel bad for Chandni and will be seen lamenting that she has not been able to give her child a father’s love. She will be seen worrying about Chandni’s future, and her plight of not enjoying the company of her family.
What will happen next?
Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi as Deepika and Akshit Sukhija as Chirag in the lead roles, is set against the vibrant backdrop of Rajasthan. The show explores the love story of Deepika and Chirag, and the societal and familial challenges they face. The plot thickens when Chirag’s family proposes marriage to Jhanvi (Deepika’s sister), but Chirag chooses Deepika instead, leading to conflict between both families. The unfolding story promises to explore whether love can triumph over societal and familial opposition.