Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua the Star Plus television show produced by SVF Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Chirag (Akkshith Sukhija) and Deepika’s (Aditi Tripathi) lives being complicated by the twists of destiny and by Mishka (Simran Budharup). As we know, Mishka has been playing every game possible to ruin the life of Deepika and keep her away from Chirag. She has brainwashed Chirag’s mind so much that he does not believe in Deepika at all. Chirag does not want to listen to his parents too.
We saw Ragini being unwell and the presence of Deepika curing her. Chirag decided not to go to London for his daughter’s wellbeing.
The upcoming episode will finally see Mishka create a situation where Chirag will get to know that Chandni is Deepika’s daughter. He will be shell-shocked when he will know the truth. He will immediately feel that his parents along with Deepika planned this out. Deepika will yet again be questioned for hiding the truth.
When Deepika will come to confront Mishka, Mishka will threaten Deepika. Chirag will take Chandni home and Mishka will tell Deepika that she can go to the Mittal house and reveal her identity, or leave her daughter and go elsewhere.
What will happen next?
Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi as Deepika and Akshit Sukhija as Chirag in the lead roles, is set against the vibrant backdrop of Rajasthan. The show explores the love story of Deepika and Chirag, and the societal and familial challenges they face. The plot thickens when Chirag’s family proposes marriage to Jhanvi (Deepika’s sister), but Chirag chooses Deepika instead, leading to conflict between both families. The unfolding story promises to explore whether love can triumph over societal and familial opposition.